Take the Pledge

Why take the OMD Pledge?

Take the OMD Pledge to send a message — that you’re ready for change and it starts with
One Meal a Day.


Watch Suzy answer the question “Why take the pledge?” (runtime 00:23)

Why you Ask?

Join the thousands of other people who are part of the OMD movement. Take the pledge today.

The OMD Pledge

I pledge to dedicate at least one plant-based meal a day to the planet and my health.

OMD Pledge Form
We never share your information with anyone. Period. **Only for occasional text messaging.


What’s on our plates impacts our health, and impacts the planet. Whether you pledge to eat 1, 2, or 3 plant-based meals a day, you’re helping to take a bite out of climate change by saving water, and reducing the amount of carbon pollution in the atmosphere.

Looking for support? Read Suzy’s book,The OMD Plan: Swap One Meal a Day to Save Your Health and Save the Planet. Think of it as your go-to guide chock-full of personal success stories, recipes and expert evidence you need to fuel your plant-powered life. Learn more.